About Us

ACe Occupational Health have a desire to provide quality Occupational Health services that support individual organisations statutory responsibilities alongside improving and promoting positive health in the working environment.

Here's some details about Alison and Caroline, the founders and owners of ACe Occupational Health

Alison Urquhart

RGN, RNMH, BSc Public Health (Occupational Health)

Alison has worked in OH settings for 18 years in various roles, including the Ministry of Defence, Northern Constabulary and several leading independent OH organisations.

As a senior OH practitioner, she has established OH provision for a wide range of clients including Local Government, Construction industry, Distilling industry, Fish Farming, Oil & Gas industry.

Caroline Venters

RGN, BA Occupational Health Practice

Caroline initially worked as an anaesthetic/scrub nurse on qualifying before taking up work as an Offshore Medic. She gained much experience offshore on various installations and carried out OH work in conjunction with her medic role.

After a further period working with the NHS as a team leader with NHS24, Caroline returned to an OH setting. This is where she gained an OH qualification and has been instrumental in delivering OH services to a wide client base.